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Oralx B12 Paste 6ml HH-ORB126



ORALX VITAMIN B-12 5X contains 5,000 micrograms of Vitamin B-12 concentrate in a 6mL tube.

VITAMIN B-12 plays an important role in maintaining general metabolism as well as the function of the nervous and reproductive systems and in the production of red blood cells. It can be beneficial, therefore, for horses diagnosed with anaemia.

VITAMIN B-12 can also calm a horse’s stomach and stimulate its appetite. VITAMIN B-12 is useful after worming or when using anti-inflammatories which can damage a racehorse’s already sensitive stomach.

Directions: Administer the entire contents onto the back of the horse’s tongue. Give one tube 24 hours before racing or work, followed by a mid-week dose.

Give one tube every second day (total 4 tubes) as an aid to boost recovery for very anaemic horses or those with a poor appetite.

Available in a 6mL tube (single dose).